- There are four forces act in the plane which are lift, thrust, drag, and weight.
- The wright brother invented first airplane in 1903.
- Increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is the cause of airplane turbulence.
- The O2 in an airplane’s emergency lasts only for 15 minutes.
- English is the international language of flight.
- According to mechanics, sitting in the tail of an airplane improve chances of accident survival by 40%.
- The amount of fuel that a Boeing 767-400 carries is enough to fill 1400 cars.
- A commercial jet has an average cruising speed of 550-580 mph.
- Worldwide, the airline industry generates about US$ 640 billion.
- The risk of being killed in a plane crash for the average American is 1 in million.
- Mercury is not allowed on a flight. Even a small amount of mercury can seriously damage aluminum.
- Takeoff and landing is the most critical time when there are higher chances of plane crashing.
- A Boeing 747 gets just 0.2 miles to the gallon.
- If a plane needs to make an emergency landing, a pilot may decide to dump fuel from its wings. While it’s not very common, it is a safety procedure to keep the plane from experiencing an overweight landing.
- Airline blanket are washed just every 5-30 days.
- According to Maxim magazine, the vibrations of an airplane and lower oxygen levels can increase sexual arousal and lead to more intense orgasms.
- In 1986, a plane called Voyager flew all the way around the world without landing or refueling.
- Plane exhaust kills more people than plane crashes. Approximately, 10,000 people are killed annually from toxic pollutants from airplanes.
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